We’re in this together. In 20 years of trading, we have never seen a period that has presented more challenges, changes, and demands on business owners. Like you we have done a lot of soul searching to find the right path for our business. It seems there are experts everywhere providing solutions to success. The reality is that we often must find our own path and make the best decision for our business, ourselves and our customers.
Technology has come a long way in a short period of time - offering more streamlined solutions, better integration, and solutions to guide new business to us. However, how often have you considered the past - that it felt a little easier to get on and do things. To make a difference and understand what people want? With all this technology advancement it can be overwhelming to cut your way through the noise to find the information you need to support your business goals and journey.
Here at Need More Time we have always been focused on our customers, your customers, and potential customers. After all this is what makes our business tick. We love technology but equally we understand that it needs to make life easier not more complicated. That’s why we have spent time speaking with our customers, gaining feedback, and looking for solutions to save time and help them grow their business or simply give a little more time to focus on what matters to you.
Our service provides a simple solution. Saving time! With our range of services, we aim to give you the power to direct your attention to the important things which matter most to you. Your business, your family, yourself. A service provided to handle your calls, process your enquiries, look after your customers or patients. It’s your service and that’s why we believe that we should provide a service that’s tailored to you and not a one size fits all approach.
While you focus on what matters to you, we will work to support you and your business. In a virtual world dominated by screens it can feel isolating at times; Sometimes it’s just nice to pick the phone up and speak to a person, yes, a real person. Getting the reassurance that your needs are being met and you can simply tick off that task from your list, there and then?

To give you a little more time we have developed our Portal. This delivers a simple but effective self-serve access to your service. Want to check the messages for calls we have handled for you at 2am? No problem. Need to provide access to your invoices to the person who manages your accounts? We always have it to hand. Want to have a day off last minute and have your call handling instructions updated to say that you’re in meetings? Now you can! Your Portal is designed to provide you with some easy to use, self-serve features which can help save you time and take the edge off daily pressures.
We have had many conversations with our customers asking about marketing, trying to find methods that can maximise leads and ultimately turn enquiries into customers and business. This always falls back on response. The quicker you respond the more likely you are to win that customer. But what happens if you don’t win the customer? How do you know if it was an issue with price, availability, or a service feature? We’ve all had those meetings with our marketing teams or service providers and left wondering which side of your business, service or marketing, could be falling short, and how long it will take to get the answers you need. After all marketing isn’t cheap.

Our Client Portal tools provide those answers instantly. For every call we take we have useful analytic tags to define what happened on the call. These are shown in the Portal for you to quickly filter and see for yourself or share with colleagues if preferred. For our Virtual PA and Medical PA customers you can go further and create personalised tags. Want to know how many enquiries came from Facebook, Google or just word of mouth? No problem. Need to understand if that new pricing model has worked or is just putting people off? You can now find out.
Over the coming year we will be developing tools and service features to help you navigate complicated tasks when running a business. We support your business, built from passion, sweat and even sometime tears. Your bespoke service provider, Need More Time is here to help. If you like to talk that’s great, we do too. And for the times that you can’t talk, the Client Portal is there for you.
If you’re investigating how Need More Time can support you and your business, check out our bespoke Telephone Answering service.
If you’d like to learn more about how to use the features on our Client Portal, you can call us on 020 3303 3303, email us here.
If you’re looking to expand your services with us, take a look at our Virtual PA page for support designed to take on all your business tasks.