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Planning your holidays? You’re in safe hands.

Michael Bolt

With holiday season looming we want to ensure that your business needs are covered when you are relaxing on the beach or trekking the Andes. Being a Telephone Answering client of Need More Time already you are certainly most of the way there, but, did you know we can do even more to help? Our Virtual PA’s aren’t just paper pushers. In fact, they can do so much, they are actually referred to as Business Assistants. So, before you start counting down to your getaway, take 5 minutes and contact us to find out just how much we can do. You never know, you may find that you never want to revert back to having just your calls answered. Plus, if you know of anyone who doesn’t yet use our service and may find it beneficial, let us know and for the whole month of April if any of them sign up, we will credit your account with £30 as a thank you*. (*Payments will be made 3 months after the new account joins).


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